Size Does Matter

//Issue: Preconceptions

In the old days there were things called Video Cassettes and these were stored in Video Cases. They were then outdated by DVDs and these were stored in DVD Cases. However, why are DVD cases almost the same size as Video cases when the product is much smaller in comparison?

The reason for this is: CDs come in small, perfectly sized, cases. So, to prevent confusion, DVD cases were made the same size as Video cases to promote their video capabilities.

Is this a mistake - is the design inferior as to pander to the stupidity of the public?

Is it clever - does it give the product a higher status as so the public will pay a premium for the media?

The point that I am ultimately getting at is:
Should designs learn by example or does this preconception confine creativity?

Should every design be concieved from nothing rather that being influenced existing designs or using them as a template to build on?

Would this lead to more originality within our world?