Dull through design

//Issues: Generic design, role of designers, boundaries

Why are so many designs so boring nowadays?

That is obviously a sweeping statement using a massive brush to tar everyone. However, it is not without its bitter truth. I noticed this blandness first with big companies - Car companies, electronics companies - companies that are constantly releasing new updates of their products and are not delivering. We can see this with the new Volkswagon Golf or Fiat Punto. Both cars were angular but still sleek and good looking and instantly recognisable. Their newest incarnations have been 'curved' to keep with the new futuristic aesthetic - and what price do they pay? they lose their identity, not only do they now look like each other they look like every other car on the roads.

So what is the problem?

Are all designer being ruled by profit rather than innovation?

Are the designers being ruled by the 'wants' of the public and being scared to push boundaries?
"If I asked my customers what they wanted, they would say a faster horse." Henry Ford

Are designers being too safe?
Or more importantly are they being too lazy?